Right now we are having some technical difficulties. I'm too lazy, and the Internet has too much free porn, for me to worry about it right now.
I am Laredo Slider and I approve this message...
Right now we are having some technical difficulties. I'm too lazy, and the Internet has too much free porn, for me to worry about it right now.
Posted by My Name is J.R., and I'm a blog junkie at 12:57 PM
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Guest Writers? wow. and you finally splurged and bought the Laredo Slider name. Your Link you crybaby is up, and it's not b/c of your blackmail it's b/c I Like your blog and I want you to add www.smokingaces.com to your roll. :) Best of Luck in the New Year!
Fuk the Knicks
West Coast > East Coast
whoa...I actually approved that comment?!? And, NOT ONLY did I buy laredoslider.com, I only bought it for one year w/o auto-renew! I'm not even going to respond to "Fuk the Knicks...Peace...West Coast>East Coast". As far as guest writers go, the Double B has doubled his output of articles for the last year, in the last week alone. This is contract year "Double B"...don't get used to it.
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