Another inter-office reply from Laredo Slider, to the Double B
Hey, Double B, a couple of points...
1.) If Reggie wants to call it a career, then he should marry Kim Kardashian. But he needs to subscribe to the Kobe Rules.
Ray J bangs Kim Kardashian (fat ass)
Ray J is Brandy’s brother
Brandy marries Quentin Richardson (fat ass)
Quentin Richardson plays on the
Eddy Curry plays alongside Zach Randolph (fat ass)
Zach Randolph is the inspiration for a sandwich I created. It’s a bacon, pork chop, mayo, butter, fried chicken sandwich that I call the “Fat Ass” (it’s great with a Diet Coke)

How about M.C. Hammer ("Hammer Don't Hurt 'Em" would be the name of the show)?

What about a "Different World" stars Kadeem Harrison (Dwyane Wayne), and Sinbad? They can trade off, and we can somehow fit Theo Huxstable into the mix...

Or, let's have a show called "Keeping up With Kim Kardashian's Ass, South of the I-10"...I'm pretty sure we can get Deebo from Friday...
I'm pretty sure we can get Kim to fuck non-Blacks...She might be into Mexicans, Costa Ricans, or my favorite illegal alien...ALF!!!
We could make a killing in plush toys, and let's face it, he's nothing but a puppet...We can sell tickets to allow people to stick their fingers in it as he F's her, and she would never know. Alf can also open the door to another phenomenon: Foreign Objects. Do me a favor, and forward this e-mail to Disney.
Who is the only person to put his balls in the mouth of Brandy and Quentin Richardson?
Kobe Bryant (Brandy, in 1996 after prom, and Quentin Richardson every year when the Knicks play the Lakers)
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